Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Community Garden kickoff meeting


Community Gardens:

We have almost 50 families signed up! Just waiting for some dry weather (hopefully this weekend) to allow us to mark the garden plots and open the gardens to the gardeners. White flags will be posted at the garden entrance when the garden is open.

Last night was the "makeup" kickoff meeting. Seeds donated by a fourth grade class at Lincoln Elementary were distributed to gardeners. The picture above is of the Master Gardeners looking through the seeds after the meeting to see what remained!

There seemed to be a lot of excitement about the possibilities for the gardens this year. Steve and the Extension Office have obtained many benefits for the community gardens including donations of fertilizer and seeds. Community gardeners will be given a "HEALTH KICK" tomato plant - high in lycopene - Stay tuned for more information!

Please remember: The most important rule for successful gardening is STAY OUT OF THE GARDEN WHEN IT IS TOO WET!

Check out the sample garden plan at

This plan approximates the size of our plots and was developed by a Master Gardener.

Master Gardener classes for 2009 are underway - there are 9 Master Gardener trainees this year. The bulk of the training hours will take place during late summer and fall.

Volunteer hours can be obtained by helping to mark the community garden plots as soon as the weather allows. This could be at short notice - watch your email for updates from Steve.

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