Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Community gardens under way

Last night at Unger farm there was a LOT going on. The Master Gardeners worked on the culinary herb garden, while several of the community gardeners were planting their plots, and our beloved county extension agent passed on a lot of gardening lore to the eager community gardeners and this year's master gardener class.

It was noted that much work had been done the night before to clean up the perennial beds and work in the demonstration gardens and get them ready to "open up" for demonstrations to the public.
There will be another work night tomorrow night at Unger farm, stay posted to email for more information.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Community Gardens are OPEN!

The plots have been marked, and the gardens are open! Follow the path marked by blue flags from the parking lot to the community gardens area. The plots have been marked with red flags to outline the four corners of each plot and orange stakes with the plot number and assigned gardener.
Look at the big smiles on the faces of these Master Gardeners who are reaping the benefits of asparagus planted several years ago! The right way to harvest asparagus is to cut it, on the diagonal, just below the soil line. The right way to plant asparagus crowns is to first, pick the right variety. Jersey Giant all-male hybrids are a good choice. Then dig a 12-inch trench, fill it with composted manure for a few inches, and plant the crowns. As the shoots grow, continue to fill in the trench with rich soil, compost or composted manure, a little each week, until the trench is filled in. Asparagus may grow for 40 years or more, and success really depends on how it is planted.