Thursday, June 12, 2008

Work night at Unger Farm

We had a pretty good volunteer night at Unger farm tonight. Some of us planted annuals, others worked on cleaning out the perennial beds, and others worked in the vegetable garden.

We saw damage on the eggplants from flea beetles, found a "huge" slug, and said hello to a friendly toad. We took a horticultural walk through the fruit orchard and noted that there was apple scab on some of the non-resistant trees. We saw evidence of peach tree borer on peach trees, and half-moon scars of plum curculio on the apples. There is an excellent photo of this type of damage on on the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture web site. Most of the trees are bearing a heavy load of fruit, and Steve demonstrated how to thin them by knocking the braches with a shovel handle.

Note the schedule changes: We will be meeting next at Richards on Tuesday night at 6:00 pm. This will count as training hours.

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